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dei bardi art
Saint Jerome
Paolo di Giovanni Sogliani (Florence 1455-1522) – Processional Cross
Circle of Pierpaolo and Jacobello Dalle Masegne (Venice, late 14th century)- San Bartolomeo
Circle of Jacopo della Pila (Lombard, in Naples 1471-1502) – Marble relief depicting a winged Cherub
Embriachi workshop marquetry casket
Rare pastiglia marriage chest
Groupe de retable représentant la vie d’un Saint, Sainte Renualde?
Collection of five apothecary ivory mortars
Circle of Pierpaolo and Jacobello Dalle Masegne (Venice, late 14th century)
A polychrome sculpture depicting the Virgin and the Child
Romanesque capital depicting four Africans
Carved limestone balustrade with a latticework decoration
Attributed to Domenico di Paris, also called Domenico del Cavallo ( Monselice, documented in Ferrara between 1442 and 1501)
Gothic canopy
A Mughal ivory inlaidwood Cabinet
Tête de Vierge couronnée
Leandro da Ponte, dit Leandro Bassano (Bassano del Grappa 1557 – Venise 1662)
Croix Astile par Paolo di Giovanni Sogliani (Firenze 1455-1522)
Tête de Vierge couronnée
Cercle of Pietro Cavallini (Rome, 1250-1330)